Donkey Kong Wiki
Green Kroc

Residence(s) Unknown
Species Kremling

Affiliates Kaptain Skurvy's Crew
Enemies Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Kong Family
King K. Rool
Kremling Krew

Green Kroc was one of Kaptain Skurvy's shipmates and a recurring antagonist on the Donkey Kong Country animated series. He was also one of the main antagonists in the movie of Donkey Kong Country: Legend of the Crystal Coconut.

Despite the fact that Green Kroc was a minion of Kaptain Skurvy, he did not appear in many episodes. In the episodes Green Kroc did appear, in he was usually aiding Skurvy in one of his many schemes to steal the Crystal Coconut. Green Kroc is thought by some to be Skurvy's counterpart to King K. Rool's general, Klump.

Green Kroc was voiced by Dan Hennessey during the entire run of the show.


  • Despite his name, Green Kroc was not green; he was instead a greyish-black color (similar to the color of Kaboings). Like his shipmate, Kutlass, Green Kroc had a distinctive accent.
  • Green Kroc is, apparently, of French descent, as evidenced by his French accent. Green Kroc also had a (rare) habit of slipping back to his native tongue.